
1912 yearbook page 49.jpg

A drawing from the 1912 yearbook showing four women playing basketball. They are dressed in clothing reminiscent of Athena.

A drawing from the 1927 yearbook showing a woman in typical 20s dress.

January1906 ToBp117.jpg

A page from the January 1906 issue of Tipyn O'Bob. As the title suggests, this page of drawings depicts snippets of daily life at Bryn Mawr- dressing, exercising, giving a report.

This artwork shows us not only what activities the students were engaging in at this time, but also what they wore and some of their attitudes about life at the college- the bottom right drawing, for example, shows that giving a Major Critics report was apparently quite daunting.


A page from the October 1904 issue of Tipyn O'Bob with two drawings and accompnaying poems, by Eleanor Mason, class of 1905.

The first drawing seems to be a Mawrter at a tea, but she is more concerned with being polite in front of the faculty and Dean of the college than she is with her enjoyment of the tea itself.

The second shows a student who has apparently managed to spill ink on her entire wardrobe. She seems to prioritize her academic work over fashionable clothing, because instead of mourning the clothes or condemning the ink, she wishes she had brown or black ones instead so that the ink stains would not show.


This is a page from the November 1911 issue of Tipyn O'Bob. A Mawrter sits reading against a tree, an activity she apparently prefers to joining her friends at the beach.


Two pictures from the December 1906 Tipyn O'Bob. The first shows that there was a certain standard of dress Bryn Mawr students had to maintain in order to be allowed to attend a meal. The second shows a first-year student trying to balance between the Athletic Association, the Faculty, and the SGA. She wears a short dress while the three college organizations wear cap and gown.


Drawings and poetry by Hilda W. Smith, class of 1910. This piece describes the bond between first year students and sophomores (and complains about how difficult it is to draw what she describes).

Click the picture and through to the next page see the entire piece.


A drawing and poem from a member of the class of 1908, lamenting her inability to successfully use the rings in the gym to get over the high jump bar. This piece gives us an idea of gym activities on campus and what students apparently wore while exercising.