College News Articles

Gentle Science Club.png

Teas, an old tradition at Bryn Mawr... from this College News article it's easy to see why we continue to have them- everybody likes food.

In 1916 some upperclass students were apparently so eager for a snack that they raided a Science Club reception. (But only after getting permission from the club president.)

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The author of this College News article seems to think some Bryn Mawr students suffered a case of mistaken identity when they helped stack chairs at a meeting.

I think perhaps the Mawrters were simply showing that they could do just the same work as any boys.

Bryn Mawr Chop 1919.png

Today the "Bryn Mawr chop" is ubiquitous on campus- for some reason attending Bryn Mawr encourages many students to cut their hair short. Its origins may possibly be found in 1919, if this comic is anything to go by.