Calling out the Patriarchy

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Students were vocal about their understanding of the gendered oppression created by the patriarchy.


This article about body image asks readers to consider their attitudes about weight loss and beauty standards: "I don't see how we, as a community, can continue to support values like these, that hurt and demean women, when in every other way we are committed to confronting harmful stereotypes, to questioning value systems imposed by society at large, and to changing ourselves into more tolerant, supportive, and accepting women on all counts."

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A student drew this comic to demonstrate the changes women make in their everyday behavior in order to avoid possible gendered violence endemic in the patriarchy: staying in at night rather than going out in the dark, wearing pants rather than skirts or dresses, and avoiding showing affection to a partner of the same gender are just a few of the ways that the oppression of the patriarchy manifests itself.